
Saturday, April 17, 2010

30 Week Sonogram

Yet again, "Baby D" does not seem to be too fond of having it's picture taken. (Wait till it learns that it has a picture-taking professional uncle Jose!) This time the baby was still in the breach position (butt down) AND FACING BACKWARDS! Very difficult to get a good picture, so I guess we'll be making another trip back to the sonogram place soon.

Here are the pictures we were able to get.

There's Michael's big feet again. Maybe that's why we always get a good picture of them.

Sneak peak. Here's a profile picture of the baby looking over it's right shoulder.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Uncle Cole might not have a degree in photography and might not be known as a professional but I think I am a great photographer too where is my recognition. Haha just joking that is a cute picture still can see all the little toes :)